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MDB Training Program


The MDB Training Program is a 10 week, all-intensive course in iOS and React Native mobile development led by MDB instructors and mentors.

This course contains lectures, projects, demos, and a final assessment. We encourage collaboration, as most of the work you will be doing will be with others. The content of the training program has shifted more towards a learn-by-doing format, so don’t be afraid to ask questions, and complete everything by deadlines.

You are about to go through a brand new, revamped training program designed to keep you aligned with industry trends, and provide a more hands-on and complete engineering experience. Give it your all, and you’ll find it to be an incredibly worthwhile investment of your time!

About MDB

As mentioned on our website, we are a tight-knit community of developers who work together to solve real-world problems through innovative methods.

We gain funding from our Contract team, who builds applications (not limited to mobile) for clients. This training program will prepare you for contract work, and in the semester following your training program semester, you’ll be with the Contract team.

MDB recruits new undergraduates at the beginning of every Fall and Spring semester! To learn more, visit